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Five ways to create an effective at-home wellness routine

Practicing daily self-care takes practice. Here are some ideas to help you keep your body working. Even at home.

We all lead busy lives. Career, family, and friends all demand time and attention. With too much to do and too little time to do it – especially if you’re suddenly working from home – it’s hard to maintain a healthy, well-balanced wellness routine.

The effects of stress take a terrible toll on our bodies, mental wellness and relationships. Life often leaves your wellness needs at the bottom of your to-do list.

You need to keep a healthy mindset to keep your body working the way it was meant to. After all, it’s the only body you’ve got.

Becoming the best version of yourself involves developing an at-home wellness plan.

Give yourself the opportunity to be the best version of yourself every day.

These five tips will help you make wellness a part of your daily at-home routine:

1.  Don’t do Anything you Hate

Do what you like. If you absolutely hate something, you won’t enjoy it – or commit to it.

When creating a daily wellness routine, try different things that make you happy.

To get started, consider:

  • Reading
  • Yoga or Pilates
  • Listen to a podcast
  • Going for a walk
  • Journaling or doodling
  • Take a long bath

Try new things to find what works for you. Remember, your self-care routine should be about what makes you happy.

2. Plan the Schedule, then Schedule the Plan

Most of us forget to make time for ourselves. Make self-care a non-negotiable appointment with yourself. Put it in your calendar and set reminders if that helps.

It can be as simple as planning your day the night before to alleviate stress in the morning.

3. Keep It Simple

Personal wellness is not a chore, so don’t treat it like one. Don’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself and try to keep it simple, you’re more likely to adopt it that way.

Your at-home wellness routine doesn’t have to be lengthy, complicated or cost a lot of money. The whole idea is to help you recharge and relax and keep your body working.

Remember to stand up every hour, stretch and drink plenty of water. Simple, effective.

4. Now and Zen

Recently, many of us have migrated to home offices, leading to sore necks, achy joints, muscle stiffness and more. Often from sitting in uncomfortable chairs or at tables never meant to be full-time workstations.

Creating an optimal workspace means more than ergonomic furniture and chairs with good lumbar support. It also means having a quiet, zen-like space, to help you do your best work.

Tips to create a more wellness-focused workspace at home:

  • Music that helps you focus
  • Sit near natural sunlight
  • Use Candles, incense or diffusers for aromatics
  • Fresh cut flowers
  • Sit away from distraction & interruption

5. Eat Like There Will be a Tomorrow

Many of us are cooking more and, consequently, eating more. Especially when sequestered at home, we’re all tempted to indulge in more snacks, comfort foods and feel-good treats.

This can have a profound effect, not just on our waistline, but treats can also make us feel sluggish, leading to being less productive and less motivated.

Try healthier snacks and lighter meals to offset the munchies, like:

  • Fresh fruits & nuts
  • Salads with your favorite dressing & toppings
  • Afternoon tea
  • Cheese & dips with veggies
  • Schedule snack breaks

Whether you’re just starting your at-home wellness journey or working to get back into a routine, following these tips will help bring joy, relaxation, and peace of mind.