Your skin is meant to last a lifetime. To help keep your skin looking firm and youthful, know your skin type, and start a meaningful dialogue with your esthetician.
Frequent facials offer an array of skin-care benefits from firming, deep cleansing, and eliminating clogged pores to boosting hydration and evening out discoloration like dark spots and addressing acne.
Frequent facials also help your at-home skin care products absorb, perform, and radiate your greatest glow
How frequent should your facials be?
Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. What works well for someone else might not be for you. Work with your esthetician to achieve a skin care routine that’s right for you.
Meet with an esthetician to discover your type of skin, discuss your skin concerns, and create an individualized plan to help you attain your goals.
As your skin develops from routine facials and home care, your goals will change, too. Your esthetician can help ensure you’re always using the correct products, in the correct order to achieve the results you’re looking for.
Facial frequency is normally about every four weeks. It’s different for everyone, so consulting with your esthetician is key.
Skin-Care Goals
If you get facials due to oily or acne prone skin, discoloration, fine lines and wrinkles, clogged pores, and blackheads, your esthetician may want to schedule your sessions more often.
Your esthetician will make a recommendation of a scheduled skin care routine. So if you benefit from chem peels to enhancements, these services are normally recommended by an esthetician in a series and may mean more frequent appointments.
The Science of Facials
Your skin regenerates every 27 days, so you’ll want to allow proper time for new skin cells to generate and make their way to the surface. Receiving skin care services regularly may help accelerate the regeneration process.
DIY vs. Professional facials
Your esthetician may also make recommendations for advanced skin care services like a Microderm Infusion or a Chemical Peel.
And remember a facial can leave you feeling completely relaxed as your skin is addressed and indulged.
Routine facials are about getting the results you’re looking for. Start a conversation today with an esthetician at a Massage Envy franchise location to reinstate your skin’s natural radiance.