The neck and décolleté are among the most neglected and overlooked areas of the body, especially when it comes to protection from the elements, beauty rituals, strengthening the muscles, massage, and even stretching.
When left untended, the décolleté can – over time – display loose, wrinkled skin that can appear withered. Don’t worry, this area can be rejuvenated with a little TLC and some key product recommendations from your esthetician.
Think of the neck and décolleté as an extension of your face – whatever treatments or products you apply to your face can often be applied to the neck and décolleté as well.
This area can show signs of aging faster as opposed to other areas of the body because the skin is thinner and usually gets the most sun damage from the lack of sunscreen or re-application, so you’ll need to give it some attention to help prevent loss of hydration.
What is a décolleté anyway?
Pronounced ‘day-kōl-tay,’ décolleté is derived from the French word décolletér, which means to uncover the neck. In short, the décolleté is simply the upper torso, including the upper chest, back and shoulders, as well as your neck and jawline.
Skin dehydration is also thought to be a major culprit of age-associated wrinkles in this area.
Dry skin often appears wrinkled and dull, which can be associated with aging skin. Like cracks in the soil of a dry riverbed, dry skin can wrinkle and crack with a loss of vitality.
At-home care
Remember to cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize your neck and décolleté. During your daily skin care routine, go a bit further down and apply these efforts to your neck, shoulders, upper chest and back. You’ll be amazed at all the dry skin that is removed and how regular moisturizing can reveal
new, glowing skin on your neck and shoulders.What’s more, many of the therapies and products that target the skin on your face can also be great ways to help keep your décolleté healthy and beautiful.
A couple at-home products to consider include:
- PCA SKIN® Perfecting Neck & Décolleté Cream dramatically hydrates and reduces redness and discolorations (available in select locations)
- Marini Juveneck helps improve hydration and the appearance of texture while reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and discoloration – helps restore a youthful glow (available in select locations)
The Neck & Décolleté Massage at a Glance
Starting with gentle stretches for your neck muscles and compressions over the shoulders and upper arms. Next, your esthetician or massage therapist may gently massage your face in small, upward circular motions, relaxing the muscles of the face and jaw followed by sweeping motions from the back of the neck to your collar bone. This can help relax the muscles of your jaw, shoulders and upper chest.
Upward strokes with the palm of the hands may help lift the skin on the neck and upper chest upwards towards the jawline. This motion may help rejuvenate sagging skin, while helping to removes dead cells. Neck muscles can also derive relaxation from these massages.
Neck muscles can also derive relaxation from the massage of the anterior and posterior areas running just below the jaw line down to the shoulders. Ideal for helping to ease tension.
So, book your next facial or massage today at your local independently owned and operated franchised location and be sure to add your neck and décolleté to get the most out of your session.